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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Romans 8:28
Last night it was asked if God doesn't like something then why doesn't he just fix it?
This question seems to come up quite often, esp when bad things happen.
My belief is that God gave us FREE WILL.
He gave Adam and Eve Free Will and they chose to disobey the only rule they had and that was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2: 17
Every action has a consequence and the consequence of Adam and Eve's decision was death.
Now everyone has a choice. You can choice to follow Christ or you can choose to do your own thing.
Does this mean that everyone who chooses Christ has a easy life ....Not at all... You see the wheels were put into motion with Adam and Eve.
Just like what ever we do affects others, what Adam and Eve did affected us.
God will not fix everything...Yes He is able to with a word from His mouth He can make everything right. But why should we expect him to... I mean we have free will.. we choose not to listen to Him and then when something goes wrong we throw our arms up in the air and say Why would God let that happen?
Well God is a gentleman he will not push for us to accept him, he stands at the door of our heart and knock and it is up to us to let him in.
So because He can't force us to love Him, the same as you can't force someone to love you.
The best He can do is wait patiently for us.
If we accept Him and believe in Him then he gives us the strength to cope with what ever is thrown our way. He won't stop it from happening but He will be with us thru it.
He can make something beautiful out of a mess.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This blog is going to be about what I believe Christ is trying to teach me and what He is showing me, thru His word and godly people around me.
I am yet to put anything down as I am busy playing and putting the things on the blog to help your journey with Christ.

I do not believe I have all the answer, some things are meant for God to know only but I am willing to learn and eager to share as I go thru this journey we call life.

I am trusting that God will be pleased with the way I have lived my life, and the way I am trying to raise my children.

I will try and get on here daily, even more often if God is speaking to me.